User Guidelines

Updated June 30, 2023

Stolte Family Foundation (“SFF”) has protected intellectual rights over the paper and electronic copies of materials, creations, and/or inventions resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields that it derives, in whole or in part, from its own sources (“Intellectual Property”).

These Guidelines offer information that will assist you in using SFF’s Intellectual Property legally and in agreement with SFF’s mission. These Guidelines also provide (1) a partial list of SFF’s Intellectual Property, and (2) which resources you should consult to avoid violating the law and our goals. These Guidelines are merely intended to supplement, and do not replace or otherwise alter, the Intellectual Property provisions provided under our Website Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”).

If your intended use of SFF’s Intellectual Property is within these Guidelines and the relevant sections of our Terms of Use, you do not need SFF’s written consent. Please contact us if you are uncertain whether your intended use may require SFF’s review and/or consent.

1. Partial List of SFF’s Intellectual Property

You should treat the content of all SFF material, whether paper or electronic copies, to be SFF’s protected Intellectual Property. Within, alongside, and underlying the content of paper and electronic materials are distinct types of intellectual property.

United States and international copyright, trademark, patent, or proprietary rights laws protect the features, content, and functionalities of SFF’s materials, including, but not limited to, all:

  • Software
  • Text
  • Trade dress
  • Names
  • Displays
  • Images
  • Video and audio
  • Design, selection and arrangement of the website
  • Logos.
2. Resources to Help You Avoid Violating the Law and SFF’s Mission

When you want to refer to SFF by name, discuss its services, link to its website, or share any Intellectual Property you acquired from or through SFF, you must follow these Guidelines in addition to the Terms of Use. You can review legal limitations on your use of SFF’s Intellectual Property under the “Intellectual Property Rights” and “Copyright” sections of SFF’s Terms of Use. Generally, you may refer to SFF or link to our website, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation nor take advantage of it.

A partial list of what you may not do, includes:

  • Referring to SFF, its Co-Founders, or employees, or linking to the SFF website to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part without our express written consent;
  • Using SFF’s name, logos, trade dress or other intellectual property in your name; or
  • Altering, distorting, animating, or deriving from SFF’s Intellectual Property an image, design, or symbol that is contrary to these Guidelines.
3. Information for Grantees and Members of the Media

If you are a grantee, you may publicize your receipt of the grant, identify SFF as a supporter, or generally refer to SFF as long as you comply with these Guidelines and the Terms of Use. This is a gentle reminder that although SFF does not require grantees to submit drafts for approval prior to publication, we reserve the right to ask grantees to remove material that SFF determines violates the letter or spirit of these Guidelines and/or the Terms of Use.

If you are a member of the media, please contact SFF via its online contact form.

SFF reserves the right, exercisable at its sole discretion, to modify these Guidelines, the Terms of Use, and/or the approved SFF Marks at any time and to take appropriate action against any use without permission or any use that does not conform to these Guidelines.

Please contact SFF if you have any questions or concerns after reviewing these Guidelines.